Opening Hours


Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Reading Room:

Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Last admission half an hour before closing time!


Since its opening in 1802, the main hall of the Teleki Library was always open for individual visitors and groups. The layout of the books on the shelves, the portraits and busts with which the museum-library is decorated have not been rearranged since. The books on display offer a glimpse into the variety of topics found in the collection.

The Bolyai Museum presents the objects and furniture that were saved from the Bolyais’ house, alongside with a selection from the two mathematicians’ manuscripts.

Besides these two main exhibitions, each year the Library hosts two or three periodic exhibitions with material selected from its collections. Usually these have a specific topic or they are connected to various anniversaries.

For groups the Library ensures guided tours in Hungarian, Romanian and several other European languages, moreover visitors may consult our additional information cards, placards.


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