Opening Hours


Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Reading Room:

Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Last admission half an hour before closing time!

Domokos Teleki

Domokos Teleki (1773-98) was Sámuel Teleki’s the eldest surviving child that reached adulthood, however due to an unknown illness he also passed away at a young age.


From 1788 until 1793, Domokos studied ancient history, philosophy, logic, natural sciences, mathematics, physics, aesthetics and philology, numismatics, political science and law at the University of Vienna. After his studies he has created an outstanding intellectual legacy.

He was also a member of several scientific and literary societies, such as the Erdélyi Magyar Nyelvmívelő Társaság (Transylvanian Society for Cultivating the Hungarian Language), Naturalist Society of Jena, from 1798 he was elected as president of the Society for General Mineralogy of Jena. It was in this period the Domokos Teleki planned to found a Hungarian society for natural sciences. In 1796 he publishes his Account of Some Travels throughout the Country (Egynéhány hazai utazások’ leírása), the first ever Hungarian traveller’s guide on Hungary.

Just like his father Sámuel, Domokos Teleki wanted to do something for the public welfare. As a humanitarian he tried to improve the fate of the locals, especially on his estates from Dumbrăvioara, where he introduced several innovations. During the smallpox epidemic in Transylvania he provided the necessary medicines for those who lived on his estates. Trying to better the condition of education, he compiled a 19-point regulation for the local school. Unfortunately his career was interrupted before it could really develop.

After the death of his son Sámuel Teleki made sure that his son’s legacy is saved: all the study notes, manuscripts, unpublished works and other notes have been transferred to the Library. The same happened with the mineralogical collection, the minerals were placed in cabinets kept on the gallery of the Library’s main hall.


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