Opening Hours


Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Reading Room:

Tuesday-Friday: 10:00-18:00

Last admission half an hour before closing time!

Ex Archivo Telekiana

Ex Archivo Telekiana. The History of the Teleki Family Archives

The materials of the exhibition have been selected from the former archive of the Teleki family, the goals was to present some invaluable sources that encompass events of over seven hundred years. The exhibition was organised and opened in 2016 in collaboration with the National Archives of Hungary and it tried to present to the general public values that were an integral part of the Teleki family’s archives, values that are today kept far away from Târgu-Mureș. In the context of WW1 this archival collection has been evacuated to Budapest in 1916, thus the exhibition is also an opportunity to commemorate this event.

The history of the Teleki family archives was presented through several major themes: the history of the institution, the archives of the Erdélyi family of Șintereag – that was the base collection, the organising, structure and rules of the archive, the archivists, as well as some publications that resulted from the research of this collection.


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